Greek Islands 12/07/18 - day 6

Sadly my last dive day. For this year anyway. Usual MO, kit out, move everything to the dock, load up the rib, head off. Today it’s Antisamos, just around the headland from Sami. 

First dive we descend rapidly to 37 m where there’s a Roman anchor made of lead, almost certainly two thousand years old. A few metres later at 42m we find a cast-iron one, much larger and dating back a mere 300 years. Having gone so deep we take a while to slowly return, and spend our time in the area where a galleon floundered, scattering thousands of amphorae, it’s like an infernal jigsaw no-one will ever solve. Imagine the colour of the sea when so much wine was lost?

Second dive we head round the corner and into a cute little bay where a mega-yacht is moored. Within minutes a jet-ski is launched and someone is buzzing us - there’s nothing they can do legally, let’s hope it doesn’t turn uncomfortable. Albert decides to stop onboard rather than leave the rib unattended. We’re soon descending again, this time 28m is our floor as we fight through an horrible thermocline into 16 degree waters. As septuagenarian Mike says (you need to read this with a Len Goodman’s voice here) at least once every dive - “there’s bloody icicles on me testicles!” Finally re-emerging into warmer levels, we mess around watching huge shoals of fish and, oddly, finding the carcase of an Angler Fish, presumably caught by a fisherman and discarded. 

The journey back is sad for me, but I don’t have the luxury of ruminating, we’re doing 21 knots and the rib is bouncing around like a roller coaster - it’s all great fun and a fitting end to my diving on Kefalonia.

Our afternoon is punctuated by lunch on the harbour side followed by me fetching the car so I can retrieve my dive gear, we pay the bill, €300 for 10 dives doesn’t sound too bad, then go back home yet again, up 143 steps from where we can park, to change before we head out for our afternoon jolly. 

Today we’re aiming for a modest plan, to Sami, or just beyond, to visit the Drograti Caves, which are quite something. They are big enough to use as a concert hall, as the acoustic is fantastic. It’s very quiet when we’re there, and for several minutes we’re the only visitors, which is very special. Afterwards we wander around Sami, remembering when we were there four years ago on Odyssey, before returning to spend an hour pool-side, catching up with emails and other housekeeping activities. 

After another rosé on the bar terrace we shower and change for dinner at one of the two better quality eateries. Tonight’s is Sea Rock, which is fairly close, where we dine in the garden. I manage a huge octopus tentacle, which was lovely, whilst Hubby has a cæsar, then respectively lamb and seafood risotto. All excellent, but the wine is less satisfactory as we feel a bit shafted by the Madame who manages to misunderstand our request for the €28 wine and send the €48 one instead, it’s easy after the fact, but we can’t read Greek so working that out as it happens is impossible. Of course we just pay the bill, being easy going Brits. 

Home earlier than normal means I’ve done this blog and ready to move into photos!
